Note that I wrote in year 2016, this is important because many things can change very fast in the computing world! I will try to update it when I am free.
/* Array initialization in C and C++ */
// Stop GCC from nagging. Yes, you can use gcc/g++ to compile this piece of source code.
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-variable"
// This declares an array of 4 integers
// - It has static storage allocation
int ar01[4];
// The first two will be initialized to 1 and 2
// - There is only one copy of this variable, therefore the variable
// has static storage.
// - The array will be initialized once during load time.
int ar02[4] = {1,2};
int main(void)
// This declares an array of 4 integers
int ar03[4];
// The first two will be initialized to 1 and 2
int ar04[4] = {1,2};
// The array will be initialized to 2, 3, 4 and 5
// - How about 6? It's extra and will be ignored by the compiler
// - C compiler generally issues a warning for this
// E.g., gcc: warning: excess elements in array initializer
// - C++ compiler generates an error instead
// E.g., g++: error: too many initializers for int [4]
int ar05[4] = {2,3,4,5,6};
// This is a stack-dynamic variable. Therefore it has to be
// initialized each time it's declared.
// - A compiler will generally translate the code to:
// int ar05[4];
// ar05[0] = 2;
// ar05[1] = 3;
// ar05[2] = 4;
// ar05[3] = 5;
// - In other words, array initialization here is just a syntactic sugar.
// This declares an array of characters
// - First 3 elements initialized to 'a', 'b', 'c'
char ar06[4] = {'a', 'b', 'c'};
// In C, a string is simply an array of characters where the final
// character is null ('\0').
// The array below is thus a C string.
char ar07[4] = {'a', 'b', 'c', '\0'};
// We can use a string literal as a 'shortcut' to initialize this array.
char ar08[4] = "abc";
// It is important to note that, when you do so, the compiler simply
// translates the code to:
// char ar08[4];
// ar08[0] = 'a';
// ar08[1] = 'b';
// ar08[2] = 'c';
// ar08[3] = '\0';
// How about this?
char ar09[4] = "abcdef";
// The size of array initializer is greater than the size of array.
// So the compiler will ignore excess elements.
// - In other words, the compiler will simply treat the code above as:
// char ar09[4] = {'a', 'b', 'c', 'd'};
// - Note that 'e', and 'f' will simply be *ignored* by the compiler!
// (If you have doubt, use gcc -S and examine the assembly output.)
// - A string "abcdef" will NEVER be generated by the compiler!
// - C compiler generally issues a warning for this
// E.g., gcc: warning: initializer-string for array of chars is too long
// - C++ compiler generates an error instead
// E.g., g++: error: initializer-string for array of chars is too long
// How about this?
char ar10[4] = "abcd";
// Same as the array above.
// - So the compiler will ignore the excess terminating null character.
// - Interestingly, C compiler may not issue warning
// for this excess null character!
// - E.g., gcc 5.4.1 and clang 3.8.0 do not issue warning here
// - However, this array should NOT be used as a normal C string,
// since there is NO guarantee that it is null-terminated!
// - C++ compiler generates an error instead!
// E.g., g++: error: initializer-string for array of chars is too long
// - So this is a 'boundary' case between C and C++:
// - No problem with C (may not even have a warning!)
// - Error with C++
// If the size of the array is the same as that of the array initializer,
// we can choose not to specify the size and let the compiler to fill it
// in for us.
int ar11[] = {3, 4, 5};
// In this case, the size of the array is 3.
// Same for array of characters
char ar12[] = {'a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u'};
// In this case, the size of the array is 5
// How about a C string?
char ar13[] = "aeiou";
// In this case, the code is equivalent to:
// char ar13[] = {'a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u', '\0'};
// So the size of array is 6.
// Now, consider the following code:
char *str01 = "aeiou";
// We are NOT declaring an array, so there is no array initializer here!
// Instead, the statement above is equivalent to:
// char *str01;
// str01 = "aeiou";
// Here:
// - When the program is loaded, (at least) 6 bytes will be allocated
// to store the null-terminated string "aeiou".
// - The string "aeiou" will be allocated to a region that is
// supposed to be read-only, enforced either by the hardware
// or by the operating system. In other words, the technically
// correct data type should be "const char *".
// - However, such intensive use of the 'const' keyword is not
// practiced by many C programmers. Nonetheless, care must
// be taken as not to modify such strings, or it can lead
// to undefined behavior.
// - When the statement above is reached:
// (1) A few bytes will be allocated for the character pointer 'str01'
// (2) The pointer will then be assigned the starting address of the
// string "aeiou" allocated above.
// Differences between 'ar13' and 'str01':
// (1) While 'str01' can be assigned a new value (an address), 'ar13'
// can be reassigned and always refers to the starting address of
// the array.
// (2) Storage is allocated for 'str01', but no storage is allocated
// for the name 'ar13'.
// - C compiler generally accepts the statement.
// - Since 'const' is not practiced in many C programs, the warning
// is disabled by default (in gcc and clang)
// - C++ compiler generates warning for it since 'const' is encouraged
// to be used whenever possible:
// gcc -std=c++98: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’
// gcc -std=c++11: warning: ISO C++ forbids converting a string constant to ‘char*’
// - So the statement is best to be replaced with:
// const char *str01 = "aeiou";
return 0;