Kinetic Theory of Gases


Ideal gas

  • with pressure \(p\), volume \(V\), temperature \(T\)
  • with \(N\) molecules where each molecule has mass \(m\), velocity \(v\), kinetic energy \(E_k = \frac{1}{2} mv^{2}\)
  • with density \(\rho = \frac{Nm}{V}\)

Pressure of Gas

  • \(p = \frac{1}{3} \rho \overline{v^2}\)

Internal Energy of a Molecule

  • \(U = \overline{E_{k}} = \frac{f}{2} kT\)
    • degree of freedom \(f\) = translational degree of freedom + rotational degree of freedom
      • translational degree of freedom is 3
      • rotational degree of freedom is 0 for monatomic molecule, is 2 for diatomic molecule, and is 3 for polyatomic molecule
    • no potential energy as particles of ideal gas do not interact
    • use \(k\) for one molecule, \(nN_{A}k = nR\) for \(n \, \mathrm{mol}\) molecules

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